AIC international Colour Association has proposed that the Spring Equinox (21st March) should be celebrated as International Colour Day. The idea is to celebrate colour, to draw attention to it as a phenomenon uniting mankind and to highlight events and achievements associated with colour.
The Finnish Colour Association has since 2005 awarded its Iiris Prize on 21st March to a person or persons whose work or deed has created an outstanding colour experience or has noticeably improved the aesthetic appreciation, functionality or safety of environments or people’s daily lives, or who with their research have significantly advanced knowledge about colour.
The spring equinox was chosen as International Color Day for its symbolism: it is a date which unites the world astronomically, when day and night are of equal length in every part of the globe. For the Finns and for everyone in the northern hemisphere it also marks the lengthening of daylight time over night, the triumph of light over darkness. Just now only two colours, blue and yellow, are in our minds, and why the Finnish Colour Association celebrates international Color Day by donating the money reserved for the Iiris Prize ceremony to the Finnish Red Cross to help the victims of the war in Ukraine.
Join us in helping to make light prevail over darkness by donating to the International Red Cross:
Kansainvälinen väripäivä 2022 on sininen ja keltainen
AIC International Colour Association on valinnut kevätpäivän tasauksen (21. maaliskuuta) kansainväliseksi väripäiväksi. Päivän tarkoitus on juhlistaa väriä ja kiinnittää siihen huomiota ihmiskuntaa yhdistävänä ilmiönä sekä nostaa esiin väriin liittyviä tapahtumia ja saavutuksia.
Suomen väriyhdistys on vuodesta 2005 alkaen jakanut kansainvälisenä väripäivänä Iiris-palkinnon tunnustuksena teoksesta tai tapahtumasta, jossa värien taitava käyttö on huomattavalla tavalla lisännyt ympäristön viihtyisyyttä, tuonut myönteisiä elämyksiä, parantanut elämän laatua tai lisännyt turvallisuutta tai jossa värien tutkimus on merkittävällä tavalla syventänyt väritietoutta.
Kevätpäivän tasaus valikoitui kansainväliseksi väripäiväksi sen symboliikan vuoksi: se on maailmaa astronomisesti yhdistävä ajankohta, jolloin päivä ja yö ovat yhtä pitkät kaikkialla maapallollamme. Meille suomalaisille ja kaikille muille pohjoisella pallon puoliskolla asuville se merkitsee myös päivien pitenemistä, valon voittoa pimeydestä. Siksi mielissämme juuri nyt on vain kaksi väriä, sininen ja keltainen. Suomen väriyhdistys viettää kansainvälistä väripäivää sijoittamalla palkitsemiseen varatut rahat Punaisen ristin katastrofirahastoon Ukrainan sodan uhreille.
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Due to the Covid19 the organizing committee, in agreement with the AIC, has decided that the AIC 14th Congress 2021 will be held online. The website has been modified accordingly and below you will find the newsletter announcing the opening of the Abstracts submissions. Deadline March 31st.
Best Regards,
Alessandro Rizzi, Maurizio Rossi
Chairs AIC 14th Congress – Milano 2021
“A New Vision for Color Education”
Saturday, June 6, 2020
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern
A New Vision for Color Education
Saturday, June 6, 2020
11 AM – 5 PM Eastern
This will be a one-of-a-kind day of engaging, thought-provoking sessions focused on teaching and learning about color across disciplines.
In this extraordinary time, we invite you spend the day with your color colleagues and explore the world of color in a new light.
A note about Color Impact 2020 and 2021 – Color Impact 2020 was originally planned as a multi-day conference to be held at Yale University in New Haven, CT with a dual-track focus on Color for Education and Color for the Built Environment (Architecture). The original program has been reimagined as two separate events – the June 6, 2020 Virtual Symposium on Color in Education and a new and even better Color Impact 2021 focussing solely on Architectural Color in June of 2021. Almost every speaker scheduled for the original event has agreed to participate either this year or next. We are grateful for everyone’s support and patience as we work to bring you both of these one-of-a-kind experiences.
We are thrilled to announce that Philip Ball, author of the seminal book Bright Earth, Art and the Invention of Color, will give the keynote address at the ISCC virtual symposium on Saturday, June 6, 2020.
Why Colour?
There is arguably no topic better suited than colour to revealing the inadequacy of our traditional divisions between fields of intellectual endeavour. Since time immemorial it has drawn the interest of artists, artisans and philosophers – to which groups we might now add (among others) physiologists, linguists, zoologists, psychologists, physicists and historians. This talk will discuss what a genuinely interdisciplinary education might look like if formulated around the theme of colour.
Philip Ball is a freelance writer and broadcaster and worked for over 20 years as an editor for Nature, the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. He writes regularly in the scientific and popular media, and has authored many books on the interactions of the sciences, the arts, and the wider culture, including H2O: A Biography of Water, Bright Earth: The Invention of Colour, The Music Instinct, and Curiosity: How Science Became Interested in Everything. His book Critical Mass won the 2005 Aventis Prize for Science Books.
Philip is a presenter of Science Stories, the BBC Radio 4 series on the history of science. He trained as a chemist at the University of Oxford, and as a physicist at the University of Bristol. His latest book is How To Grow a Human (2019).