Colour Literacy Forum 6

Meeting ID 841 7795 1940

The Finnish Colour Association celebrates International Colour Day 2023 by awarding the Association’s Iiris Prize to Professor Markku Hauta-Kasari for his work in the field of colour science. Dr Hauta-Kasari’s first contact with colour research happened in 1989–94 at the University of Kuopio, Finland, while he was studying for a master’s degree in computer science. As a member of the colour research team he was able to utilize spectrometric data taken from colour samples in the Munsell Book of Color to complete his specialisation studies in computer science. Hauta-Kasari’s interest in colour research remained strong and he completed his doctoral research and postgraduate studies at Lappeenranta University of Technology in the spring of 1995. The colour research group of which Hauta-Kasari was a member had good contacts with Japanese research groups. Thus, he completed half of his doctoral thesis at Saitama University in Japan, and after returning home in autumn 1998, finished the research part of his thesis in Finland.
Hauta-Kasari received his doctorate in “Computational Techniques for Spectral Image Analysis” in May 1999. The thesis combined spectral imaging photonics and computer science, with a key sub-study on spectrally tunable light sources. After obtaining his doctorate, Hauta-Kasari was appointed assistant professor at the University of Joensuu in autumn 1999. At this stage, Hauta-Kasari’s colour research group was concentrated in Joensuu in Eastern Finland. Its research infrastructure was one of the most important research laboratories in its field, even by international standards.
Dr Hauta-Kasari’s career progressed from senior assistant professor and research director to professor of computational colour science in 2013. Hauta-Kasari was Head of the Department of Computer Science in 2014-21 and from 2022, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science and Forestry, with responsibility for undergraduate education. Dr Hauta-Kasari has also been a researcher and responsible director in several research projects on supplementary funding. His teaching activities have been in the field of computer science, in particular in the Erasmus Mundus Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging (COSI) joint master’s programme, which started in 2008. In this Erasmus Mundus programme around 20 colour professionals graduate each year and are employed in the colour research industry. Dr Hauta-Kasari has supervised 15 doctoral theses and has been involved in more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications. In addition, Hauta-Kasari has been involved in a large number of research projects in collaboration with other universities and industry. Currently, the Biocolour STN project, funded by the Academy of Finland, and the Academy of Finland’s Profi6 project in the field of photonics are ongoing. The Profi6 project focuses on spectral imaging of the fundus (the eyeground, the interior surface of the back of the eye).
This was the eleventh time the Finnish Colour Association awarded the Iiris Prize. The Prize is awarded annually on 21st March to a person or persons whose work or deed has created an outstanding colour experience or has noticeably improved the aesthetic appreciation, functionality or safety of people’s daily lives or environment or whose research has markedly increased knowledge about colour.
AIC international Colour Association has proposed that the Spring Equinox (21st March) should be celebrated as International Colour Day. The idea is to celebrate colour, to draw attention to it as a phenomenon uniting mankind and to highlight events and achievements associated with colour.
The Finnish Colour Association has since 2005 awarded its Iiris Prize on 21st March to a person or persons whose work or deed has created an outstanding colour experience or has noticeably improved the aesthetic appreciation, functionality or safety of environments or people’s daily lives, or who with their research have significantly advanced knowledge about colour.
The spring equinox was chosen as International Color Day for its symbolism: it is a date which unites the world astronomically, when day and night are of equal length in every part of the globe. For the Finns and for everyone in the northern hemisphere it also marks the lengthening of daylight time over night, the triumph of light over darkness. Just now only two colours, blue and yellow, are in our minds, and why the Finnish Colour Association celebrates international Color Day by donating the money reserved for the Iiris Prize ceremony to the Finnish Red Cross to help the victims of the war in Ukraine.
Join us in helping to make light prevail over darkness by donating to the International Red Cross:
Executive Committee of the Finnish Colour Association/Suomen väriyhdistys SVY ry
We are very excited to invite you to participate in AIC 2022 Toronto on the theme “Sensing Colour” to be held in Toronto, Canada, June 13–16, 2022.
We encourage in-person participation as much as possible, but remote/online participation will be available for those who are unable to attend otherwise.
The theme “Sensing Colour” offers a great breadth of opportunity for participants from diverse disciplines and modes of inquiry to contribute to colour awareness and knowledge in an interdisciplinary forum. It highlights how colour offers itself to us, in what ways it approaches and engages us, affects our awareness, and harnesses our attention. In so many diverse ways, and through so many different lenses, colour is being studied as an influential shaper of human experience.
Through all our senses and faculties – through intellectual, cultural and material ways of knowing and feeling – we seek to observe and utilize the remarkable complexity of colour, whether material or immaterial, whether conceptual or practical, sociological or biological, natural or technological.
Due to the recent upsurge of the pandemic, the AIC 2022 Abstract application deadline is extended to Monday January 24, midnight (your local time). We hope everyone is staying healthy, and many of you can make use of the extra time to put together your submission. We look forward to your participation in AIC 2022.
MORE INFORMATION: https://www.aic2022.org
Due to the Covid19 the organizing committee, in agreement with the AIC, has decided that the AIC 14th Congress 2021 will be held online. The website has been modified accordingly and below you will find the newsletter announcing the opening of the Abstracts submissions. Deadline March 31st.
Best Regards,
Alessandro Rizzi, Maurizio Rossi
Chairs AIC 14th Congress – Milano 2021